Appreciation Event 2024
Tax Academy Appreciation Event 2024
Tax Academy (TA) hosted an Appreciation Event on 29 Nov 2024 at Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel. The event was well-attended by more than 100 trainers, examiners and mentors who played an integral part in Tax Academy, contributing their expertise and passion to shape the success of Tax Academy as a premier centre for Tax Education.

Mr Tham Sai Choy (Chairman of TA Board) and Mr Dennis Lui (CEO of Tax Academy), welcomed the guests and delivered their opening address

TA Board Members, Curriculum and Examination Board Members and IRAS Deputy Commissioners
TA Income Tax Programme Trainers
TA Income Tax Programme Trainers
TA Advanced Tax Programme Trainers
TA Advanced Tax Programme Trainers
TA GST Programme Trainers
TA Property Tax, International Tax, CPA and Customised Programme Trainers
TA Webinars Trainers
TA Webinars and WU - TA Programme Trainers
Awards Segment
This year, we have introduced 4 new special awards: Distinguished Service, Long Service (15, 10 and 5 Years), Outstanding Trainer and Engaging Content. These awards recognise the dedication and professionalism of our trainers.
Distinguished Service Award:
Mr Koh Soo How, Grant Thornton Singapore
Mr Leung Yew Kwong, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Long Service Award (15 Years):
Ms Chia Sook Kuen, IRAS
Ms Chua Siew Lay, IRAS
Ms Jeana Oon-Chua, IRAS
Mr Koh Soo How, Grant Thornton Singapore
Mr Leung Yew Kwong, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Loh Chye Ling, IRAS
Ms Sharon Tan, IRAS
Ms Tan Li Ming, LM APPS
Ms Teo Po Chu
Long Service Award (10 Years):
Mr Abhijit Ghosh, Alvarez & Marsal
Ms Amy Lee, IRAS
Mr Andy Baik, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Mr Anthony Tam, Forvis Mazars
Mr Aw Sin Taa Irving, Osborne Clark
Ms Chong Fong Peng, IRAS
Ms Cynthia Ong, IRAS
Mr Danny Koh, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Ms Gan Hwee Leng, AEP LLP
Ms Go Theng Theng
Mr Gordon Lawson, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Huang Qinxin, IRAS
Ms Jow Lee Ying, NTU
Mr Khoo Teng Aun
Mr Lam Kok Shang
Ms Lam Mei Mei, IRAS
Ms Lee Voon Kee, IRAS
Ms Low-Chua Pik Sim
Ms Lyu Choon Yan, IRAS
Mr Mark Addy, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Nadin Soh
Ms Natasha Dohadwala, IRAS
Ms Norhaizah Zainal, IRAS
Ms Ong Siok Peng, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Prof Kees van Meel, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Seow Seok Hong, PwC
Ms Sitoh-Wong Wei Leng
Assoc. Prof Stephen Phua, NUS
Ms Tan Shet Ni, IRAS
Ms Teoh Lian Ee
Ms Wong Chew Lee, IRAS
Ms Wong-Tan Puay Luang
Ms Yap Mei Mei, IRAS
Mr Yeo Kai Eng
Ms Yong Sing Yuan, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Long Service Award (5 Years):
Mr Abhishek Skukal, PwC
Ms Alicia Tan, IRAS
Mr Andy Choo, IRAS
Ms Ang Sock Tiang
Ms Angela Ang, IRAS
Ms Anna Low
Ms Belinda Tan, IRAS
Ms Cheong-Lim Chen Hoe, IRAS
Mr Chester Wee, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Ms Chin Hin Hin, IRAS
Ms Chua Kong Ping, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Ms Cindy Wong, IRAS
Ms Elaine Leong, IRAS
Mr Gaurav Tijoriwalla,
Ms Goh Khee Kuan
Ms Grenda Pua, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Ms Ho Kar Wing
Ms Hoe Ee Hui, IRAS
Mr James Choo, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Mr Jiang Hai, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Mr Jimmy Oei
Ms Joan Alfred, IRAS
Ms Kiew-Toh Eng Ngor
Ms Koh Mengxin, IRAS
Mr Kong Yew Hon, IRAS
Mr Kor Bing Keong, PwC
Mr Lawrence Eng, IRAS
Ms Lee Imm, IRAS
Ms Lee Jingyi, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Ms Lee Kwan Yan, IRAS
Ms Lee Lai Yu, IRAS
Ms Li Wen
Ms Liew Li Mei, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Ms Lim Hwei Ling, IRAS
Ms Lim Kim Kok
Ms Liu Hern Kuan, Insights Law LLC
Ms Loh Lee Kim, IRAS
Mr Loon Ming Hong, IRAS
Mr Luis Coronado, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Ms Mabel Lee, IRAS
Ms Mak Oi Leng
Ms Nancy Tsao
Mr New Aik Meng, IRAS
Ms Ng Yuen Mun, IRAS
Mr Nico Derksen, International Tax Management LLP
Ms Pang Ai Lin, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Mr Panneer Selvam, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Ms Penny Lee
Prof Dr Petruzzi Raffele, WU Transfer Pricing Center
Prof Dr Alfred Storck, WU Transfer Pricing Center
Ms Quek Puay Kiang
Ms Quile Lily, IRAS
Mr Richard Teo, IRAS
Mr See Jee Chang, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Ms Shantini Ramachandra, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Mr Sam Sim
Ms Siw Seow Choo
Ms Stefanie Han, IRAS
Ms Suzanne Seah, IRAS
Ms Tan Siew Lian, IRAS
Ms Tan Yan Ting, IRAS
Mr Tang Siau Yan, GIC
Ms Tang Wen Hui, IRAS
Mr Tay Ang Sim, IRAS
Mr Teoh Kim Choo, IRAS
Ms Vivian Seah, IRAS
Ms Wai Yean Tze, IRAS
Mr Wang Teck Leng, IRAS
Ms Wong Hsin Yee
Ms Wong Sze Teen, IRAS
Mr Stephen Bruce, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP
Outstanding Trainer Award:
Mr Andy Baik, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Angela Ang, IRAS
Mr Gordon Lawson, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Jow Lee Ying, NTU
Mr Koh Soo How, Grant Thornton Singapore
Mr Mark Addy, KPMG Services Pte Ltd
Ms Nadin Soh
Ms Ong Siok Peng, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Mr Yap Hsien Yew, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte Ltd
Mr Yeo Kai Eng
Engaging Content Award:
Mr Charles Li, IRAS
Mr Seah Huaikuan, IRAS
Mr Yang Shi Yong, Drew & Napier LLC
Welcome Address Delivered by CEO of Tax Academy, Mr Dennis Lui
Click Here to Read <CEO's Opening Speech>